How Many Volts Does a Cattle Prod Have
These devices were cruel and inhumane when first introduced for use against cattle as prods but now human beings are also considered cattle by 7000 police departments in America. Buy Jolt Ideal JOLT Handy Prod 6930 at Tractor Supply Co. Power Mite Hot Shot Handheld Cattle Prod Miller Pm 9 Volt Whether it is called a cattle prod or a stun gun both units are shaped for easy carry and function in the same manner against animals or humans. . In short the cattle prod is painful but the stun gun can be lethal if the skin conductivity is. I got a story for you about dog shock collars. How many volts does a cattle prod put out. Its generally considered that 100ma is enough current to kill you if the voltage and frequency of the pulse is right. Some of the TASERS described here can deliver up to 18 amps as pulses. The Cattle Prod delivers from about 1500 volts to 10000 volts. My wife Peggy was an avidrabid lover of...